I Kan't SpellUpdates et al Film festival is this weekend. Should be pretty awesome to cruise around and see some cheap movies for cheap. You never know what kind of gems will pop out at you. It's where I found Hedwig and the Angry Inch. First Thursday for the Monument St gang is tom. All are welcome and my company has free beer and snacks. 89.7 has a band and homeless people don't even try to get in. It rules! VJC Senior night is tonight. I think I'll cruise that. If any other Alumnus want to jettison to Bachman I'll see you in tow. Apparently all their players are better than we were. And Wikipedia play the 8x10 on Saturday night. Get you Phish on! HE'S BAAAAAAAAAACK O'co got the call back up. Looks like long relief and spot starts. http://washington.nationals.mlb.com/news/article.jsp?ymd=20080424&content_id=2579873&vkey=news_was&fext=.jsp&c_id=was Way to go Mike - hopefully this will be a permanent stop. J Roddy Walston and The Business Tom. Night - Ottobar. If you haven't seen them and let's say you like... The Drive by Truckers mixed with like The Darkness. Anyway - it's real over the top. They live next to where I work and last time I was shocked that like 1000 people showed up... so... Ottobar Friday Night Fever. I mean come on ![]() On top of that I hear Big Elk is playing some out door gig - - I'll have more details when he gives them to me... Updates et al First off --- Our Mayor is not cutting property taxes and with all likelihood they will be raised. Thanks for the lies...Sheila. This angers me. Second - In the City Paper today you'll notice the ad for 1st Thursdays. My company helps sponsor first Thursdays by the Washington Monument and next week is the first one. Free beer and decent 89.7 sponsored music. Swing on by and watch me be civil. All are invited. Third - The BMI is sponsoring an exhibit on the The Wire opening this week (30th). Apparently Slim Charles has a hip hop group and is going to rap. That should be rocking. Fourth - Flower mart is next weekend. Yay... Fifth - It's beautiful out. Sixth - Champions League game today (Man U and Barca...doesn't really get any better than that) and the one yesterday...woo... you have to feel bad for Riise with the own goal in the 94th. Seventh - I think there is a Fed Hill festival this weekend as well... not sure. If you can't be good. Be bad... Fountain of Sorrow Fountain of sorrow, fountain of light Youve known that hollow sound of your own steps in flight Youve had to struggle, youve had to fight To keep understanding and compassion in sight You could be laughing at me, youve got the right But you go on smiling so clear and so bright Cruel Joke of a non-Beverage ![]() When it's 7 am and you are thirsty... don't reach for the delicious looking Apple Cider Vinegar and take a big chug. Just a reminder from your friendly neighborhood moron. Love, Bret HOLY FUCKIN HOLY! Even though Rolling Stone is a total rag and the dude who wrote the article is from Baltimore... Rolling Stone took it upon themselves to name Baltimore... yes Baltimore... Best New Music Scene. http://www.rollingstone.com/news/coverstory/20200609/page/32 Behind the strong backing of Wham City and the new Hip Hop vengence it seems that we are on the map. Unfortunately, all the talent is from out of town... lol - They mention the resurgence of the Talking Head and WZT Hearts and the Red Room. Fancy... Jason Dove should have been mentioned as well. Maybe next time...kudos to Rolling Stone (I just vomited saying that out loud...)Kudos dear boy... ku doze What about J. Robbins, AVEC, Karmella's Game, Wye Oak, Thrushes, the Papermoon Diner, Charm City Art Space, the Ottobar, the Sidebar, Metro Gallery? Oh wait, these aren't part of the "hotbed" rap/art rock scene... I forgot, segregation has to be a part of any exclusive scene...anyway they mentioned us... *sound of one guy clapping My take on the current state of the Union and whether or not you should build a bomb shelter. I used to be a fan of a conspiracy theory back in the day. Between 9/11 and Bush propaganda it was all I could do not to go to someone's website and regurgitate their theories onto my friends and family. I would look at the Fed, the war, the melting glaciers, and yes... Roger Moore and spew out whatever they would give me. And then something happened... I grew up. In the midst of all things awful and evil I became a conservative independent willing to accept the fact that my own merits and will are more viable barometers of life then that of unforeseen measures taken by an "all encompassing" force of evil. Whether that force be self-righteousness, self-servicing, or even self-preservation I knew that in reality it had no real hold over me. It occurred to me that every conspiracy theorist I knew was someone who was losing at life. They were usually in their mid-20's, completely unhappy, smoked a lot of pot, really enjoyed the "cutting barbs" of adult swim and usually crowded into bars with like minded/like life people to discuss the discourse of their own failures. Now...when I say losing at life, I don't mean that they weren't rich or didn't have an "important" or "respectable" job. I mean that within every conversation of liberal, holier than thou, fighting for the little guy, the government is evil, and "Why why why poor poor me" there was this stagnant under current that they wish they had an important or respectable job and they wish they were rich. So to me they were losing. They were impotent fake peopole that had nothing more than their own misshaped roads to blame. The impotent cries of a generation raised by uneducated, yet, motivated women have turned the lower middle class into a mired pit of shrieking complacency. The empty one handed back patting of the "lost" people who claim to know that what the greater good is...is deafening to those who watch from elsewhere. They always remind me of the kid in class who wasn't picked for dodge ball and so dodge ball to him became "stupid". "Go play your stupid little game. I don't need you." This stench clings to walls I am still surrounded by in adulthood. With all that said I have come to the conclusion that my own efforts will shape my own existence. If I want to move to Alberta I will. If I don't believe in this country or it's merits any more then I have a choice to leave, take action, or bury my head and protect my family. But...what I won't do...any more... is proclaim that there is a force with my intentions in it's clearing wake that I cannot control. Being informed and having opinions is important... claiming that we cannot change our own plight because of a conspiracy or simply "bitching" about said issues... those days are done. So with that air cleared... it's time to state the semi-obvious. We may be fucked. Let's look at the Economy first: My current life and career aren't in any great jeopardy. I have no ill signs of losing my job or being concerned that the prices of general commodities and goods have gone through the roof. I'm sure that most of you are not tragically bothered by it either. However, I would start to prepare for leaner times. I would also start to prepare to take advantage of the leaner times the way any smart businessman would. I would bet against the house as the odds have shifted out of it's favor. We all notice that there are tell tale signs that we are headed for a recession and possibly worse. The U.S. Government has been waiting for the other shoe to drop since we went off the gold standard. Our 8.5 trillion dollars in circulation have become nothing more than Bernanke bucks. Backed by only 4 trillion in gold and steeped in debt and extreme bail outs from foreign EFT's, and sovereign wealth funds (SWF's)... America's economy, sadly, may not be able to rebound from our current state until our children graduate High School. The Fed bailed out a publicly owned bank in what could only be compared to Posse Comitatus in the real world. Not only was it unconstitutional, it was dangerous. Taking federally insured money to bail out a publicly owned bank with no such assurance is ludicrous and it sends a precedence that may shake the entire way the United States borrows money. For one day, this was not a capitalist country...Adam Smith threw up all over himself and we became communists. The possibility that we may be owned by the Middle East and China are very real. A parallel to this would be the great 80's buy up that happened in America by Japanese companies. We took their money. They owned Time Square. This won't be that simple. However, it will be more simple for us to invest with them and to follow their trends. For example Dubai currently has 85% of the world's cranes building a city out of the dirt. I don't need to tell you what you should be investing in. There are ways to benefit from our own economy's misgivings. The state of the U.S. Economy is dreadful and unfortunately... it is going to get worse... much worse. Let's figure out a way to rise above it. So... what do we do? Well for starters you'll want to start investing in SWF's, international markets (esp China and India) and seriously give thought to the idea that the United States may not be the place to raise a family in the near future. When Jim Rogers and other guru's started to denounce their citizenship and move to evolving 3rd world countries my ears perked up. Then again... they also perked up when "smart people" bought tracks of land in Nebraska to brace for the Y2K fall out. However, Y2K was a light switch that was either going to turn off or on and NO ONE knew the answer to it. Luckily, the lights turned on. This time it's different. When the U.S. dollar gets taken off the Oil standard and our 40 permanent bases in the middle east are left to rust over due to a new Democratic president... what happens to America as being the only Super Power left? Where in the chain will we be served our meals? Who will be the first country to attack us on our own soil? What happens when 90% of the DJIA are 50% owned by SWF's and EFT's? Education: The days of middle class affluence, while truly ending 30 years ago, have now come to a screetching if not freightening hault. Our primary and secondary education systems were built to shuffle 18 year old men into blue collar jobs or the military where they knew how to obey orders, stay still, and be rewarded on tasks taking no more skill than pulling a lever. Unfortunately, the times have changed and the matriculation of blue collar jobs have evaporated into no jobs. New jobs are not being created. Unless you call the idea of looking for new jobs for people without jobs – a job... then I can't imagine you'll find too many people bubbling about the idea of the "new dawn" popping up. Mediocre colleges have become a complete waste of money. The idea of creating a support community or possible peers is the only purpose it currently fulfills. It establishes you a line of credit for which to pay off for the rest of your life and it shows your future owner (employer) that you are now able to borrow money, sit still, obey orders, and pull a lever. Quite an improvement I must say. Now the bad part... because that was the good part. Inner city and rural schools have become all but a waste of money at this point. The traditional methods of teaching and in-turn learning have showed children that there is 100% no reason to care about school. If you have neither the ability nor the means to attend college then why attend High School at this point? This is becoming a more accepted principle among not only students...but also the community and even parents. The entire system, on the level of preparing our children for a future via public primary and secondary schools, is broken. It is non-functional and makes no sense. There is no overhaul in the future because of the gigantic teacher's union who don't want to lose their jobs or even worse... change what they do. There is also no chance for a change because schools are Federally run through assistance programs. And the answer is...: In my humble opinion, each school would have to be a microcosm. And each curriculum, and environment would have to be different. The funding for the schools would have to be the same but you can't run a school in Detroit the same way you run a school in Chevy Chase. Parts 3 and 4 coming soon... A tad late - but good none-the-less W 4/23 tapes 'n tapes w/ White Denim 7:30PM $15 With an impending sophomore release due out this month, the indie rock group tapes 'n tapes is hitting the road. Their tour will lead them and their newest album across the U.S. and into Europe. Since getting together in 2003, this foursome has released two albums including their self titled EP and the critically acclaimed, The Loon. Tapes 'n tapes hit the scene hard in 2006 becoming one of the years most blogged bands. Following this breakout, tapes 'n tapes played at SXSW solidifying their fan base. Often compared to the Pixes and Pavement, lead vocalist and guitarist Josh Gier describes their sound as "eclectic." These northern state natives are guaranteed to please with their melodic tunes and alt. rock experience. I doubt I'll make it. That upsets me. If anyone still doesn't remember... this song is timeless really...all the locks in the cosmos clicked to this moment... The first part of the song is really great and could have done just by itself...but what makes you pee yourself is the last change in the final 2 choruses - - like 2 great songs in one....at about 2:10...it starts a new Oh Kelly don't you go Kelly don't you go Kelly don't you go I want you to know That I've been trying, I've been lying I've been stealing, I've been hiding I will meet you in the grave Kelly, Kelly, it's not your right To be cheating, fighting and starting life When my head and hands are tied to you so tight Oh Kelly just tell me one more thing Is it mine or is it some other ring That you wear as we lie in bed tonight? And Kelly, who's the logger? Oh, Kelly, who's the logger? Oh Kelly, who's the logger who's trees were felled with might? And Kelly, hold your water Oh Kelly, hold your water Oh Kelly, Kelly, hold your water tight And when you rush I'll call your name Like Harvard Square holds all inane And don't you know I'll be your badger And don't be terse and don't be shy Just hug my lips and say goodbye 80 hour workers weekers seekers cure I have found only one real cure for the 80 hour work week blues... Ac/Dc - real fucking loud. In the office...people think you're nuts. I find that it works to move through all the "classics" - especially Hells Bells, Highway to Hell, Back in Black, and Thunderstruck Bon Scott versions please... Luckily I get to expense my tuxedo and new suit for France... so I got that going for me... which is nice... viva la capitalism. O'co Update
Mike Bacsik did not allow a hit in two strong innings of relief and Brian Sanches picked up his second save of the season, striking out two in the ninth. The Clippers scored the first run of the game on a double to right by Bret Boone and a single by Pete Orr to center field. The Knights tied the score on Jason Bourgeois lead off home run in the fourth frame. The winning run tallied in the seventh inning. Ray Olmedo singled to center field. Wil Nieves' sacrificed bunt was thrown away by catcher Paul Phillips. Olmedo ended up on third and Nieves took second base. Olmedo scored on Boone's sacrifice fly to right field. The team will return to The Coop on April 19th. If you saw him against the Orioles in the pre-season at the Nationals home park... you saw that he looked pretty sharp - working 2 1/3 and striking out 4 I think. Should be a matter of time at this pace... GO O'CO! Wieters love ...this is what I'm talking about. http://www.orioleshangout.com/article.asp?ID=1379 Player of the week with 2 jacks. Get here soon Matt and bring Billy Rowell with ya... Hopefully there will be an appearance at Camden Yards this evening for Adam Jones t-shirt night. I'm staying optmistically cautious with any O's preachings... so... don't ask for any. Idle I sold my soul for the second time 'Cause the man well...He don't pay me I begged my landlord for some more time He said "Son, the bills are waiting" My best friend called me the other night He said "Man - are you crazy?" My girlfriend told me to get a life She said "Boy - you're lazy" I lost my faith in the summer time 'Cause it don't stop raining The sky all day is as black as night But I'm not complaining I begged my doctor for one more line He said "Son - words fail me" It's no place to be killing time I guess, I'm just hazy I don't mind As long as there's a bed beneath the stars that shine I'll be fine. If you give me a minute A man's got a limit. I can't get a life if my heart's not in it... Beatles Song #8 - And I love her Everyone needs another favorite Beatles love song... everyone needs to be loved. Start off my rocking week... I've had a better professional week this week then ever before... Let's roll with it! Noel and Travis! The Glass Bead Game
His contribution to society then consists mostly of works of pure scholarship. Some are placed as advisers to dictionarycommittees, archives, libraries, and so on; others pursue scholarship as art for art's sake. A good many of them have devoted their lives to highly abstruse andsometimes peculiar subjects, such as Lodovicus Crudelis who toiled for thirtyyears translating all extant ancient Egyptian texts into both Greek and Sanscrit, or the somewhat peculiar Chattus Calvensis II who has bequeathed to us four immense folio volumes on The Pronunciation of Latin in the Universities of Southern Italy toward the End of the Twelfth Century. This work was intended as Part One of a History of tbe Pronunciation of Latin from the Twelfth to the Sixteenth Centuries. But inspite of its one thousand manuscript pages, it has remained a fragment, for noone has carried on the work. It is understandable that there has been a good deal of joking about purely learned works of this type. Their actual value for the future of scholarship and for the people as a whole cannot be demonstrated. Nevertheless, scholarship, as was true for art in the olden days, must indeed have farflung grazing grounds, and in pursult of a subject which interests no one but himself a scholar can accumulate knowledge which provides colleagues with information as valuable as that stored in a dictionary or an archive Misplaced Work Hours http://www.dickipedia.org/dick.php?title=Main_Page Hours of fun... Also I have finished up to about 200 pages of short stories and small excerpts like these... I'll be shopping them soon. I think some of them have some really good stuff in it...
When we define a man in the end of our time, whatever species is to evolve from us, I hope magic is part of our definition.
"Why are you leaving?" she said with a shy, heightened and hurt voice. "I can't do this to you." "Do what?" "I can't let you believe that I'm real. I can't let you think that this exists. I will never exist the way you dream me." "You already do." "You don't understand your dreams."
"I don't drink coffee," I said to you. "I'm sorry." "No need to be sorry. I've never seen you drink coffee either." "I usually don't but it's Sunday and I thought you might like some on this lazy morning." "I don't want it." Somehow, a leap was attempted. There you were flying through the air with your hands grabbing for wind. You were hoping you had the light bone structure of a wren and the wingspan of an eagle. But, you fell like a rock into cold waters below. You fell and never recovered. You simply ceased to be anything but something I didn't want to know. We ate dinner once, and you grabbed a crouton with your fingers. You flipped your head back and popped the bread into your mouth as if you were eating shrimp on the coast of St. Croix. I picked up my fork and wiped it with my napkin as you sipped water and attempted to not look like a whore that was wearing too much make-up. I never forgave you for that moment. I never cared after that.
As I turned around, I saw a naked little man with a faltering bathrobe skip, and land into a run. I slightly jogged to the thrown open double doors and only saw little wet footprints tracing his escape down the stairs and out the front door. I heard cries of "Eureka! Eureka!" as he ran out into the world.
"Pick it up!" I leaned forward and picked up the ball. I tossed it to myself as I stood up from my squat. I saw that there was something written on the side I had not seen. It was in tiny little black verdana letters on the bottom. I shielded my eyes from the sun and held the ball forehead high in front of me: "Do not run". I pursed my lips together and furrowed my brow, shrugged my shoulders and turned.
So Big NEWS! Well...it finally happened. I have officially taken a job in NYC and will be moving on June 1st of this year. I know it may come as a shock to most people... but I think we all saw this coming. I'll be getting rid of a lot of my things as my new apartment will be furnished... so if anyone needs couches, a bed, dressers, coffee table, and other random knicknacks... please let me know... also... happy April Fools day! | Favorites List Pandora Song List Amazon Wish List Reading Revolutionary Wealth - Tofflers Brian Jones Things Making Me Smile The City Newness Listening - [out of 5] Benjy Ferree - 4.8 The Thermals 3.1 David Gray 3.8 Quote(S) Like the guy with the beard? YES - like the guy with the beers. What? Yep Bands That I Check Schedules For Badly Drawn Boy Belle and Sebastian Benjy Ferree The Black Keys Deerhoof Drive By Truckers The Eels Enon Kimya Dawson Mark Hopkins Band Oasis Iron and Wine Mates of State Ted Leo Travis Two if By Sea Ween Places I Rock in the Flesh 9:30 Club Black Cat Electric Factory Fletcher's 8x10 The Knitting Factory The Otto Bar Recher Theatre Sonar Places I Eat/Drink in the Flesh Aldo's Bishop's Collar Boccacio's Cross Street Market Hull Street Joun Gak Mick O'Shea's No Way Jose Porter's The Irish Pub Turner's The Waterfront Hotel My Greatest Hits (that's so lame) The time I almost killed a child July 4th in Korea Excerpts from Demian Why I screen phone calls Bret's Death Metal Report A conversation at a cocktail party A conversation at breakfast So you think you are a Baltimorian A conversation about a girl singer Observations from a bar Observations of strippers Tech Language Why I love Oasis I would go to war "You Son of a Bitch" An Open Letter to Tom Friend Dance to Your Ocean Dream Ranch When men become pussies Jason Whitlock is a racist propaganda promoter Pitchfork takes music snobbery to new level The Cosmic Clash of the Red Sox and Cubs The Hatred that is Runts Candy Starting corporate line-up Google Bio Do you know me? List 1 / List 2 / List 3 The Night I Burned Philly Down So You Want to be a Booze Hound She Said it was Free Funniest Corporate Story Ever Striped Shirts and the Fucks that Wear Them Death Peddle NEW!!! Pieces of Morning Oasis Album Revew The Art of Tipping Starting Fires With Grass Stains Bret's Federal Hill Food Review Sexcapades and your Picture on the Internet Stupid Secrets Stupid Secrets the Return Contact Me Stuff I Swing By From Time to Time - MUSIC Donewaiting.com hive3.com Indie Video Archive Large Hearted Boy Important Records Oasis News Pitch Fork Media Reptilian Records Scenestars MP3 Blogs Sound Garden Baltimore - BUY Aloud.com Pre-Shrunk Shotgun Apparel Warrior Clothing - HUMOR Angry Little Girls Atom Films Eye Envision Homestar Runner Kill Frog Junior Varsity Meat Market - PERSONAL Baltimore City Paper The Baltimore Sun Calvert Hall Degroen's Brewers ESL Cafe Fantasy Sports Korean Herald Villa Julie College Baseball W3 Schools Archives 06/01/2003 - 07/01/2003 07/01/2003 - 08/01/2003 08/01/2003 - 09/01/2003 09/01/2003 - 10/01/2003 10/01/2003 - 11/01/2003 11/01/2003 - 12/01/2003 12/01/2003 - 01/01/2004 01/01/2004 - 02/01/2004 04/01/2004 - 05/01/2004 05/01/2004 - 06/01/2004 06/01/2004 - 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