Pitchdick Media and Other Snobs
Now I am rather contemptuous when it comes to my music. I'm not cool enough, nor do I plan on spending enough time to gather, review, drive to an assclown dive bar, and then fall in love with obscure bands anymore. I buy cd's recommended by my friends who have strong musical ties and have respect for authenticity. I say I am rather contemptuous but as of late I have come to the realization that music is no cooler or self-righteous than any other medium.
If you like horror movies, then you like horror movie. If you like reading Clive Cussler then so be it. If you think Monet was the greatest painter ever and you can only name "The Japanese Bridge" and mistakingly call it "Liilypads", good for you. Music is there for enjoyment.
If listening to Brittany Spears or Oasis brings you closer to a smile than that is empowering. If you put your arm around your friend while singing "Walk This Way" then man I'm happy for you. At least you have the ability to enjoy. I really think we should start with just enjoying something. The whole world is filled with enough second guessing and self-confidence issues that when you actually do like something it would be nice if some fuck nose with a cool t-shirt and today's modern urban hair style isn't standing around the corner shaking is head at you.
The critics, and oh how many there are, take all the fun out of music. I have done so much bad mouthing about bands that I look back now and cringe at how many times I have said, "Oh this is awful. Change it." Critics suck. It derives from the word to criticize giving it a negative connotation right out of the box. Anyway, I just went over to pitchfork media and read about 5 reviews. Although they are well worded with every analgoy, euphamism, and scholarly pop lingo that they could drudge off the bottle caps of their beer, they don't really seem to grasp that people like different things and that always crushing an artist may be just rediculous.
I assume critics have a strong foundation for the industry, but do they really have enough insight to a particular piece of work to compare it to a steaming bag of shit? Were they in the studio? Did they make particular recommendation to the "worst song ever made" that were shot down and then released much to their chagrin?
I'll always be some sort of music snob. I'll always want my art to be honest and truthful. If it can't be either of those then clever will suffice just fine. But, I think my days of assuming that people are smart enough to judge their own artistic outlets with the same way they judge their fruit are almost over. People don't care about what they listen to, what they watch in the movies or on TV. They at best, the vast majority, give a moderately ill-willed attempt to choose a radiostation much less follow a producer that is a visionary. Benality is easy to accept. As long as people are smiling and dancing in the streets in front of the TRL building, feel free to be happy for their happiness. It's just you and I will have a silent smirk on the inside, while they bop to some new plastic teen pop idol with oversized 15 year old breasts. Be a critic for yourself but let the people have their moment.