Behold the day of rest. Behold my day of sun in the face. There are moments in life when things make sense. The mirky waters come clean to the clear tides. Have you felt the warmth today? Have you felt the feel of spring kissing your head this morning? Once you stop to appreciate sleep and waves of good vibrations you can easily accomplish anything. It's as if the waves deliver you onto a warm wet beach to be dried gently by the sun.
I have known only two things in the past moments. The first one is enlightenment through honesty. The second is the ability to overcome anything given confidence in yourself and the right frame of mind to take a chance. There seems to be elcectricity in the air today. There are apples to be picked from the sky. There is an optimistic "can't lose" feeling running through my body. That feeling has been a stranger for too long.
There has been a rebirth through temperature and sun. Mother Nature is a very smart woman. She let's you know when it's your time to be reborn. She gives you all the apparatus you will ever need to deliver yourself on to the alter you created. You need only pray to one thing; your own moving soul and the world that fuels it.
Skipping is largely underrated.