I Kan't SpellOfficial Opening Day Action For one day only - the Scharf will be returning to sling beers at Sliders. This is a one time deal in hope of saving money for France. Or in hopes of fueling a really kick ass weekend... Swing buy... but given the actuality of the Orioles this year... we'll be paying for our beers because Timmy... is gonna need it. I'll be the guy sweating with a cigarette, aviators, and hatred for a beer coozy. I love you all. I hope to see you there. I'll be wearing one of the following shirts: Front: The Orioles are playing... Back: ... and McNulty is drinking again. Front: Oriole Magic... Back: It Burns! Blow it up! I got Falconed. Sliders - We'll keep you optimistic. Who needs October when you've got April (this one has already been given away to Sean "The Molester" Jester. CHC News Brother Tom Miller passed away. He was our JV baseball moderator and I remember him pretty well. Rest in peace Brother. ...in lighter news... Calvert Hall's Baseball team is #1...not in the county...not in the state....not on the east coast... but IN THE COUNTRY. http://www.baseballamerica.com/today/high-school/team-rankings/2008/265756.html.... that's kinda hot. If I'm not mistaken the 91' Arundel team was the last to be that high... in case any of you were wondering... the team my friends and I played on made it to #7 in the country.... and last year's team went 33-0 and the PROGRAM went something like 70-0.... Tradition gentlemen... tradition... Randoms - Sound of Music More action for you - - Sound of Music was on this weekend - and well - I'm gay. I love it. Thanks. Edelweiss Goodbye, Farewell How do you solve a problem like Maria? Do Re Mi! ....And a random - the girl from Boy Meets World was WAY TOO HOT for the lead actor. I mean ... at least Whinnie was mousey and moved on from Kevin... this kid owned her.... ![]() Updates and all Lots of good stuff coming up...INCLUDING OPENING DAY!!! Wed. 26th - Ottobar - Hot Magic play the Ottobar. You may remember them from the days when everything was "hot" something (snakes, whips, butts...). I have their cd... so.. I mean... it's interesting. Thur 27th - Sonar - Jason Dove is back with something called the Shadow of the Condor. Interesting. Friday 28 - The Raveonettes take hold of the Ottobar. Jam song below - - Sat 29 - Austin Grille (Canton) - Our favorite Old Timey hotness man - Mark "the hop" Hopkins returns with the MH Trio... I've heard that the "story tellers" thing at the Grille is kinda daft but that the venue has promise... if they stopped serving 25$ plates of pasta. Maybe he'll bring back Penelope or the Leaving Song one time. DO IT MARK! DO IT! Fri 4 - Jason Dove is back with sad bastardy Caleb Stine at the Head that Talks. Finn Riggins and Infinite Honey will also be in the house. No fights all. No fights. Rhett Miller is playing... lol - I'm fucking joking. Nobody listens to that guy. hahahaha. Sat 5 - PonyTail and Dan Deacon are throwing a welcome home party from SxSW. Location to be disclosed and probably... filthy. Welcome back the talent and give them some money so they can start recording their new album. They'll also be playing the Black Cat and going on tour after that. Yay! Couldn't happen to a nice band. Viva la Love. Viva la Liberte. Viva la John Adams. Viva la la. In the path You began a search I know many have tried Not a blind man among you For years let fate decide So swallowed and followed and played through start to end With the good weight all carried by your faithful friends She wrote you a song and you bought a wedding dress Having handsome bite buxom Have insured people met Then sundry and nocturnal You lay your peace to sleep With your new loves good fortunes And secrets safe to keep What will await you Can tether no more What's shrunken withers In the path to your door Sons and Daughters Rock DC If you weren't there... well... you weren't. What a great band. What an amazing feeling to be young. If you don't remember - enjoy - 21 Brooklyn NY Music Hall of Williamsburg (18+) -- [Tickets] sup: Bodies of Water 22 New York NY Bowery Ballroom (18+) -- [Tickets] sup: Bodies of Water Next 2 days if you are so inclined... BLAKE Johnny Cash - My favorite song of 2003!!!! Taste the last girl! Dance Me In! Mornings If there were wishes Hanging as Low fruit In the alleys of dreams. My life would be feed with all I wanted. Mornings yield sharp pain. Mornings create drowning gasps. My thoughts and life slip. Where I've Been.... ...for the past few days. http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/obituaries/bal-md.ob.wentzel18mar18,0,1867525.story Be back soon... We appreciate all the kind words. The cats love to eat flowers. June 9th - 14th I'll be here - - - lol - - http://www.chateaudecourtomer.com/id5.html When I got the invite today I was like... I've never been to France. Debauchery danced and then I said... "Oh I'm friggin going." I'll let you all know how it goes... MWA Opening Day Starter ...duh duh duh. Steve Trachsel. Yep - the Orioles are trotting out a guy on opening day that signed a minor league contract 3 weeks ago. Let the rebuilding begin. The direct quote from the team was "We want to take some of the pressure off of our younger guys." I just threw up all over myself. On the Radio Randy Kail and Alex Smith are currently on the radio talking about their Batting Cage, Diamond Pros, in Forrest Hill. Tune in to 98 rock or go visit Randy or Alex at their new joint. Hilarious. Apparently Mickey is going to go there today to hit a 90 mph fastball. Goodluck midget. For those who don't know - Randy and Alex have been involved with high level youth baseball for a long time. Randy actually jacked me up against a car once...lol The funniest thing I saw today... Chunky blue cheese dressing that comes out of a squeeze bottle. Don't quite know how those chunks are coming through. Well done Hidden Valley. Your marketing department has wisdom. The Wire Punts it's Final Possession I don't feel like it was a full punt by The Wire last night, but I felt like they were 4th and 1 on the opponenets 30 and decided to pooch. I felt like much more could have been addressed and they had a responsibilioty to do that. They did not. I was no tupset abou the story. I was upset like a child gets upset. I was upset that the ending didn't coddle me and tell me everything was going to be alright. At the end of the day I wanted The Wire, my most trusted of any recent medium, to either slap me or hug me. I wanted them to love me or hate me but I didn't want them to just leave the show laying on the street like a frying egg. I have never seen a television show that decided to not only to tell an entertaining story, but also educate it's viewers on the twisted ills of a city. They kicked in doors, opened eyes, and threw cold water on many heads.However, they never achieved the crescendo of lofty answers that they questioned. They opted more for personal scenarios wrapped in moral fatigue as opposed to tackling answers to injustice. Maybe, that was the point of The Wire. Maybe we weren't supposed to have answers because there aren't any. But I feel that that is just as irresponisible as the system itself. People trusted the voice of The Wire, and looked to it to show us some kind of light or a direction to a more promising idea of what could be. Instead The Wire dropped the flashlight for us to pick up and did not deliver on it's possible promise. It delivered on it's own exhausted portfolio. It delivered more to the show than it did to my city. It chose to entertain and say goodbye rather than educate and nurture us. Knowing The Wire, I guess that's how it was supposed to be. I was very sad last night when The Wire ended. I could watch the canvas of Baltimore painted in any scenario. Anytime this less than fair city is shown on any national stage my ears perk up. I think The Wire not only used the best paints, but they were the best craftsmen. They molded a story that brought emotion to everyone tied to this city. Whether that tie be here in the streets of the 212 area codes or our brethern in other states and cities that could feel or identify with our story. The Wire earned my respect through the years. The Wire will be missed. So with a final send off I would like to say a sincere thank you to the writers, actors, producers, and all local flair that supported the production of one of the greatest dramas in the history of television. ....and thank God Slim Charles capped Cheese. Fuck a Cheese. and...Peace it Omar - - my favorite all-time character on television. ![]() 10 Years I hope you're well. I know you come here. And I know you came here today. Good to see you remember the date like I do "3+7=10 1's and 0's you and I." I still have that poem somewhere. Shoot me a mail if you ever get the change. Enjoy Cali. Things White People Like I honestly wish I could have started this or taken credit for it at some point in my aimless blogging career. But, alas, someone has started one of the funniest blogs I have ever seen. http://stuffwhitepeoplelike.wordpress.com/ My personal faves are: #80 The Idea of Soccer #65 Co-Ed Sports #14 Having Black Friends #11 Asian Girls #4 Assists Enjoy yourself thoroughly - - I have been trying to think of things to add and I have come up with: Old Motown music Britpop Trendy shoes Fohawks Beards Vibrators Reforming losers (strippers, pot dealers, low end workers, failed musicians) Microbrews Scotch Bloomberg Television Stretching "touch" football Softball Swimming Nature Driving Cross County Missionary Sex Bondage Britches, Abercrombie, anything plaid or designed with patterned animals The color pink Parliament Lights Fancy pizza alt-"anything" Complaining about the corporatization of holidays NASCAR Painting their faces for sporting events Sideburns Posting crappy music on youtube and myspace Skateboarding Jack Black Being "down" That one story where they went to jail. Text messaging Bongs Hippies Bravo Television Trivia Night Throw pillows Board games Shoes without socks Being bohemian filthy Will Ferrell White people singing Raggae or the Blues Books on war Making their own pasta Quietly complaining anout general annoyances while in the presense of black people Loudly complaining about general annoyances sans black presense. Matt Damon James Bond Movies Exotic fruits and nuts Lofts in traditionally dangerous parts of town From Sam D. Accents (Irish or British as well as the occasional black-around-black accent) Drunk dialing Hair gel Golden Tee Beer Pong Darts Also you may enjoy - http://stuffeducatedblackpeoplelike.wordpress.com/ Opening Day -T -shirts Opening day is fast approaching and t-shirts will be made this year. 1. Baltimore, at least we aren't in DC 2. Who needs October when you've got April? 3. Front: Feel the Magic. Back: It Burns. 4. Sliders - we'll keep you optimistic. 5. I'm Batting Cleanup this Year 6. Someone told me the beer is free when Trachsel pitches 7. Front: The Orioles are playing... Back: ...and McNulty is drinking again. 8. Houston, you have our problem. 9. Aubrey Huff stole my money 10. BLOW IT UP!!! and the final... "I got Falconed" Late for the Sky Mirrors haunt sometimes. Smiles, like sundials fade off into a non-descript piece of time. "You never knew What I loved in you. I don't know what you loved in me." Those words rush through me Like the coldest water. They brittle my bones. They make pains inside my arms and legs. When I sleep I have dreams; Visions that I can't take. "How long have I been dreaming I could make it right if I closed my eyes and tried with all might?" The tighter my eyes shut the more they burn. The stronger I clench my fist the more it reminds me of why they were clenched. I have the thought of being late. Always late for something. Always remembering that you can't be late for the sky. In every nerve there is a will. In every will there is a way. (or so they say) My way is in the cold water. Sleeves are up. Head is down and smiling at the pool. Guess what TODAY IS?!!!! National motherfuckin' grammar day... Hold it down for the little brown handbook. So this is it... The final episode of the Wire premiers tonight a week in advance for Comcast On Demand customers. I of course always watch it a week early...because I just can't really wait. I don't know how I feel about it all. This last season has been difficult at best. The story line seems flat and pushed. It feels like a giant game of Earthball as opposed to a tight game of basketball. There are too many topics, camps, and undercurrents pursued. It has lost a lot of it's tightness and most of the characters are painted with both sides of the brush making any sort of fablesque moral fiber hard to weave with. Well it ends today. I'm excited for it. I'm sad that we'll be losing the Wire series and I'm even sadder for the people in this city that don't watch it. It really is amazing. I recommend it above Homicide, and any Levinson or Waters film. "The bigger the lie, the more they believe." | Favorites List Pandora Song List Amazon Wish List Reading Revolutionary Wealth - Tofflers Brian Jones Things Making Me Smile The City Newness Listening - [out of 5] Benjy Ferree - 4.8 The Thermals 3.1 David Gray 3.8 Quote(S) Like the guy with the beard? YES - like the guy with the beers. What? Yep Bands That I Check Schedules For Badly Drawn Boy Belle and Sebastian Benjy Ferree The Black Keys Deerhoof Drive By Truckers The Eels Enon Kimya Dawson Mark Hopkins Band Oasis Iron and Wine Mates of State Ted Leo Travis Two if By Sea Ween Places I Rock in the Flesh 9:30 Club Black Cat Electric Factory Fletcher's 8x10 The Knitting Factory The Otto Bar Recher Theatre Sonar Places I Eat/Drink in the Flesh Aldo's Bishop's Collar Boccacio's Cross Street Market Hull Street Joun Gak Mick O'Shea's No Way Jose Porter's The Irish Pub Turner's The Waterfront Hotel My Greatest Hits (that's so lame) The time I almost killed a child July 4th in Korea Excerpts from Demian Why I screen phone calls Bret's Death Metal Report A conversation at a cocktail party A conversation at breakfast So you think you are a Baltimorian A conversation about a girl singer Observations from a bar Observations of strippers Tech Language Why I love Oasis I would go to war "You Son of a Bitch" An Open Letter to Tom Friend Dance to Your Ocean Dream Ranch When men become pussies Jason Whitlock is a racist propaganda promoter Pitchfork takes music snobbery to new level The Cosmic Clash of the Red Sox and Cubs The Hatred that is Runts Candy Starting corporate line-up Google Bio Do you know me? List 1 / List 2 / List 3 The Night I Burned Philly Down So You Want to be a Booze Hound She Said it was Free Funniest Corporate Story Ever Striped Shirts and the Fucks that Wear Them Death Peddle NEW!!! Pieces of Morning Oasis Album Revew The Art of Tipping Starting Fires With Grass Stains Bret's Federal Hill Food Review Sexcapades and your Picture on the Internet Stupid Secrets Stupid Secrets the Return Contact Me Stuff I Swing By From Time to Time - MUSIC Donewaiting.com hive3.com Indie Video Archive Large Hearted Boy Important Records Oasis News Pitch Fork Media Reptilian Records Scenestars MP3 Blogs Sound Garden Baltimore - BUY Aloud.com Pre-Shrunk Shotgun Apparel Warrior Clothing - HUMOR Angry Little Girls Atom Films Eye Envision Homestar Runner Kill Frog Junior Varsity Meat Market - PERSONAL Baltimore City Paper The Baltimore Sun Calvert Hall Degroen's Brewers ESL Cafe Fantasy Sports Korean Herald Villa Julie College Baseball W3 Schools Archives 06/01/2003 - 07/01/2003 07/01/2003 - 08/01/2003 08/01/2003 - 09/01/2003 09/01/2003 - 10/01/2003 10/01/2003 - 11/01/2003 11/01/2003 - 12/01/2003 12/01/2003 - 01/01/2004 01/01/2004 - 02/01/2004 04/01/2004 - 05/01/2004 05/01/2004 - 06/01/2004 06/01/2004 - 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