- Bret Holmes Baltimore Md

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I Kan't Spell

Monday, September 29, 2008

In response to a question about the financial crisis:

    i'm glad you touched on this. i've been very curious as to what your thoughts were on this broken economy, and i am curious as to whether or not you have made changes in your daily life as far as spending goes. i am also curious as whether or not you would consider pulling your stock out of 401K. i actually did, but only because i have a distrust of things i don't control. i also want to know your definition of "bad" when considering the future of the economy, how it will affect the citizens like myself and you, and the worst outcome you could predict happening. should i be stocking up on water? but seriously, address this, even privately if you wish.

Well this is going to be the "projected" transition of hardships.

If the gov't passes this 700B$ communist bill then the US Dollar will go through the floor.

Inflation will then be so bad that our economy may implode on itself. Bread, milk, heat, etc... will become expensive luxuries. If a dem is elected all taxes will be raised. If a pub is elected we will watch the poor suffer but the economy will rebound faster... a dem is not what we need... I don't care if golden parachutes are handed out... what needs to be done is the sick amount of socialist spending that happens rampidly throughout urban areas of America.

Small businesses will be the first to fail. You'll see it in rural areas and with marginal clothing and retail stores. Everyday stores will stay open but... your local bead emporium may take a hit to the sac. This will happen because their economies fluctuate much more these days on providing urban progress and one ripple from a near by city or college and they shit the bed quick. Their margins are less and the savings are close to nil. In good times and bad small businesses popping up and closing down are prime examples of what's going on.

Unemployment will be the first thing you see on the news. When it hits 10% - we will be in meltdown mode. The new figures come out on Friday... we should be at 6% now...any higher then that and XMAS may just be handmade cards. When unemployments goes up hiring stops. So the influx of high-school, military, and college grads looking for jobs piles on, welfare assistance steeps, and without FDR to create the next New Deal... uhh... say hi to you parents' basement and some weed for the next 4 years because you'll be working a shit job if you are lucky.

Unfortunately, Ocotber is the big econ killer in the world. All major crisis' come in October and retailers are now gripping for what will be the worst Xmas spending in 30 years. Why is xmas spending important. Well first it's how business make their nut and what fuels the economy going into ...well...this year a few things A possible calamitous presidency shrouded in "good will" and "we need a fresh face"... god... whoa is me if Obama gets elected. I'd give up my own right to take a piss if it meant I wasn't standing in the breadline with everyone else who voted for the most liberal president since... well... I don't even know. Even Carter was scared shitless of Republicans. So if Oct. sucks, xmas will suck... if xmas sucks... the new year will suck and the next thing you know your local Best Buy is a giant warehouse playground for the new homeless.

After xmas, margin calls will be made on Oil. Currently, companies like Suncor and Chevron are buying oil at 25$ per barrell. They are selling it at 125$ per barrell... if you think Oil companies are willing to give up their margins for the sake of the people - think again. Oil could be at 10$ per gallon and the entire industry could be federalized and then rationed... make sure you work close to where you live. If they federalize oil under the guise of national seecurity (and yep...that'll happen)... America will have taken a giant step forward to what the Bush white house envisioned after 9-11 - total control over everything. *but not really... because Republicans want to give America back to you...*wink *nod *shoot me.

Once that happens and the Gov't steps in to start regulating business then other markets like China, Japan, and Europe will either have to buy up our debt to keep us alive as consumers of their products or face a 30% collapse themselves. If they aren't already f'd themselves. Ireland took a 19% hit yesterday and little leprechauns are jumping out of their cabbage huts into the river hoping to float to Denmark. This is where it gets tricky... Australia is a wildcard and so is SE asia... their new ability to farm, mine, and produce shocking amounts of Natural resources make them alterantive player to the US. If people can find their farms and steel in those places... we will be super f'd. Odds are Asutralia will go hand in hand with us.

Well fast forward through all of this and it's Summer... by now it will have been 5 quarters of recessed economy and the President will be considered a lame duck because no one gets elected in a shit hole economy... see Jimmy Carter's feel good tour of 76'. Dan Rather already has the 174 days of Crisis story on 20/20 or one of those worthless shows and you are wondering why your local Domino's is closed and whether or not you'll be able to drive to work let alone go on vacation.

So now lobbyist start to churn the flame to bring BACK business by lowering taxes any way they know how... unfortunately the human capital in America is ooohhh about middle of the pack when it comes to the rest of the world. While we rock inovation... we sure as shit don't keep it... well anyway...

IMO - it's about time we got our clocks cleaned. Should you save water or whatever... no? Cash out your 401k... i doubt it. If you haven't cahsed in by now... well then you are already f'd... you may as well stay with at the dance with the guy that brought ya...

This is when you need to super worry!!!...If the dollar doesn't becomes decoupled with the oil and gold standards we'll float through on rations and scare tactics. If that happens that means America no longer sets the price for the world's most valuable commodities... that means we might as well be Germany or Argentina in the world's eye and if it weren't for the fact that we could start a war anywhere on Earth including the moon we might even get invaded or some crazy shit... lol - just kidding... sorta...

I also predict another war soon... war fuels our economy and makes us bitch less... so look for one coming to a theatre near you.

How did this happen? The banking system has been wagering in pure greed for the past 5 years. And I'm not talking like a little greed... sick greed.

That is all for now - that wasn't organized... but I hope it helped a little.

The bottom line is that you'll see it in the breadlines. The poor will get poorer the picket signs will come out and people who are retired are fucked beyond belief. If you were living off of dividends... say goodbye to those days and practice this line "Welcome to Wal-Mart".

But as with everything... I'm sure it's not as bad as we think. Lower middle class people will struggle, the poor will die faster, the rich will buy all the shit cheap and wait for it to rebound. The division of class gets wider and you think you are doing ok because you can put gas in your car... but ain't that America!?!

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I would go to war
"You Son of a Bitch" An Open Letter to Tom Friend
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