Socialism Will Grow in Our Hearts
As America sinks deeper and deeper into what will be the scariest time of my life - socialism and regulation will be on everyone's tongue and the hemp suckers will be calling out to the world for the Government's help. The weak willed liberals and those that can't exist without mommy and daddy and blame everyone else for their problems are now in control of the White House and Congress and soon to be Supreme Court. IMO - the American Dream... in all of it's flaws is now reaching it's final death rattle. Small businesses will struggle, entrepreneurship with falter unless lead by some deranged Gov't initiative, and corruption will become violently evident and unbridled amongst our public officials as they will soon hold many of the keys to unlock all financial freedom...
I was reading Alexander Hamilton's memoirs the other day and came across this paraphrased idea from the father of our own economic system - -
Deregulation, laissez-faire, free-market economics, etc. have never functioned. Free trade is a British hoax used to plunder its colonies. Adam Smith was recruited by Lord Shelburne to concoct the Wealth of Nations as a means of discrediting the American System, which has always been the adversary of the British System, the one that is now collapsing. Smith argued that individual selfishness and greed leads to the common good. In fact, national governments are the sole guarantors of the general welfare.
Perhaps we all ought to read Alexander Hamilton.
My website today published a story about it - -