I’ve never been
Someone that looks
At the happiness of life.
I like opportunity.
I enjoy rare air.
I seek beauty and a little danger.
But in those things - I see truth.
In rituals or traditions
I often see irony and falsehood.
No - I’m not sunny.
I’m not chipper all the time.
I am not a station wagon
That one takes to the store and the movies.
I am an explorer of life.
And an appreciation of truth.
Because when I do light up.
It’s real.
It’s not mandated.
It’s not a performance.
It’s me.
Simple things are the goal.
I find them more and more
As the peaks I intend to climb
Grow less.
In time - the sun just may
Peak out more to find
The joy in life with love.
The gates of hell
Are open night and day
Smooth is the descent
And easy is the weway
But to return,
and view the cheerful skies,
In this the task
and mighty labor lies