Start of a new story - untitled
It’s none of our business.
Maysel said these words out loud. She stopped herself. For the first time she thought about those words.
She was 43. She had never thought she was scared. But now she knew she was.
Bill turned up the heater in the car to 81 to combat the 32 seen on his dashboard.
Coldness, he can fix.
What was it that happened today?
He said to me… take me away from here.
The feeling of sharing was nothing he had in his life. This was the first thing he had really shared that was special and unique and that he didn’t embellish or glorify in quite some time.
It was the first genuinely interesting and abnormal moment he had in over 15 years.
“15 years. That’s gone.”
### note make the characters deal with you as the omniscient narrator / make them deal with the ideas you put in them
# Bill suffers from anxiety by overcompensating and lying.
#’maysel realizes she doesn’t care anymore and is small minded although educated and passionate once
# shepered saves them all with love and the best of both