- Bret Holmes Baltimore Md

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I Kan't Spell

Monday, September 28, 2020

I take everything personal

 Ya know - for someone that is so nasty and negative and moody as I am. Why do I get surprised when people don’t want to be around you? I’ve ruined my life because I’m so jaded and cynical. Even simple pleasures I find annoying - because I’m a fuckin asshole. 

Sunday, September 27, 2020

Good Days

 I can’t remember the last good day I had. I’m not talking a celebratory day or some kind of “vacation” day. I’m just talking a day where I don’t have terrible thoughts about what life means or worse what my life means. 

Ya know - sooner or later you’re just going to have to get over it or move to a place where you can expect sympathy as a release. I think you’ll find that without a sympathetic ear you’ll either get more cynical or stop being a fuckin drama king. 

Get over yourself. It’s what you would tell someone else. 

Saturday, September 26, 2020

I see other people

 Do you remember the movie 6th sense? If so, you remember the line “I see dead people.” 

I’m getting close to unplugging from social media because all I see are people having fun. Being around friends. I see them going to events and places. I don’t talk to anyone I know from 10 years ago. Well not anyone but 98% of them. 

I’m pretty sure that makes me sad because I’m writing about it. But I’m also pretty sure I have to reconcile the idea that I’m not stupid. I don’t see the upside in many things. I don’t see the ritual for more than it is - 

Anyway - I see a shrink this week. Talking to Hannah helps. Talking to Eric helps. Talking to Jedd and jer helps. I’m hoping the shrink will help be a bit more concise and actionable around the fact that I’m struggling - I’m acutely aware of my struggle and I just can’t shake out of it - exercise, no alcohol, money - nothing shakes it. 

Friday, September 25, 2020

Miss you

 I’ve become way too comfortable reconciling that I have no one close to me in my life. 

Tonight for example - friends that I know gathered and we talked about death - we talked about dying and funerals in a joking way... it was far too comfortable to assume - and everyone assumed - that not one person would show up at my funeral and no one would care or want to have anything to do with me. 

I didn’t feel that way about anyone else - but they all had no problem making that joke at my expense. That’s ok. I just wish I wasn’t so comfortable with the idea that my life will never be celebrated or missed. 

Ya know what they say though - you have to get what you give - and I must not give anything at all. Because I’m 99% sure I’m going to die alone... and it just may be by subconscious design. 

Never gonna change

 ... is the title of one of my favorite Drive by Truckers songs.

Oddly the song is about being tough from the south. 

I’m the opposite. I’m weak from the north. I get pushed around. I have no spine. Nothing changes. It’s just a battle of attrition of who could care less most days. And they play a mean game. But - I can’t get any smaller than I am now. I’m a pathetic excuse for a husband, father, and man. And everyone lets me know it everyday. And that is 100% my fault - I just didn’t realize there were no teams in real life - there’s just... waiting until it’s all over. 

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

To be Someone

 ...must be a wonderful thing. 

In my life I never found that balance of happiness. Mostly because I'm pretty self aware of how pointless mostly everything is... being a Dad is the only time you really put something else WAY before you - and I mean like death... like you would openly and willingly and instinctively die for someone. That's real. And maybe that's what happiness is - that comfort of finality wrapped into birth. 

Nature is much like that - and since we're apart of nature - it's natural (sorry for the puns) that we feel that way when it comes to offspring. I don't know if everyone does - but I would imagine there is a tiny nugget in the pit of just about every father that says "I would die for my kids." - I take comfort in that - to me honestly it would be the best kind of existence - it would make the most sense rather than running around buying things for nothing - saying things that will only evaporate - 

Take for example the greatest minds and leaders in the history of the world - what is truly left of THEIR life is nothing - some quotes - a couple books - an invention or so - but their legacy lives on in blood and lineage and to be honest in all the books i've read they talk more about the things that don't endure than the one that do - but... I guess some of those things do endure like Democracy, the printing press, works of fiction - 

Monday, September 14, 2020

How does one get over one's self?
Dearest children,

In your life you're going to have to make some decisions on the balance of being what you think is "right" and also doing the "right thing". Once you take your first psych class - and BTW - I hope you enjoy it as much as I did - you'll realize that most humans at their core are not sympathetic or empathetic to your logic, reasoning, or intent. They only see their own plight and how it effects them. This will lead you to a battle of wills - a battle that almost always has no winner. 

My advice is to try to save your soul while acquiescing as much as possible. Strength often comes from submission and the testament to your own inner strength. Some of the happiest most effective leaders serve others as opposed to themselves. I would search that path. 

Read Siddartha. 

Sunday, September 13, 2020

How you know...
ive know this for a long time - but heres how you know people dont care about you youre not in any pictures nobody invites you anywhere the only reason youre around is you serve a purpose as a prop or you have money its all your fault though. not everyone is an asshole - chances are youre an asshole and get treated as such but you should know - and i know - - and ill never be able to change because i am a pathetic self loathing, self pity, boorish, loud clown - so i know that no one cares about me - and thats life

Saturday, September 12, 2020

Ebb and flow
dont wait until its too late in life to tell someone that you hate them im trying to keep up w this writing. i have good ideas during the day and tben the idea slips away. ill get better - the discipline will continue

Friday, September 11, 2020

Sometimes you don't want to forget certain things

Life is full of tumble
The way you fall 
Most of the days frayed
Means time, means intent
Makes the difference

Adolescent fumblings
No great edge here
No great plan
Just a tumble
Just a fumble
A life parked in 4th gear
A fool fooling himself 
Because he didn't jump

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Hey Jude

 A little joy today - break in the clouds. I played mastermind w my son - looked at Ella as the growing young lady she is becoming and sang hey Jude to my daughter. Erin and I almost exchanged a conversation to break our icy last x amount of days. 

I feel good physically - I like being past 10 days of no alcohol and better food - I feel like I can push from here. 

Wednesday, September 09, 2020

Day 4

 I’m consistently amazed by my children’s ability to love me and forgive or forget. Children are truly wonderful people - I feel like I squander so much time w them because of my inability to be mature or patient. They feel the sharp end of all my failures in my personal life and that’s just terrible. And now I’m afraid it’s conscious. 

Tuesday, September 08, 2020

Day 3

 Just trying to jot down thoughts -

Energy level is low this morning. 
Positivity level is very low.

I find that I may just be destroying every relationship I have with people because of depression. I can get through work ok. I can dig deep down there and find a number or a goal or something to focus on. Mostly because I'm in charge and you get some energy from that. 

But over the last 2 years - ever since I was fired. I am very concerned that I have caused irreversible damage to my marriage and my relationship with my kids. Nobody sees me as anything but a grouch - a curmudgeon, a total asshole and dick. I feel like most of the time it's a relief that I'm not there. I feel an oppression on other when I walk into a room - and so I would rather just not walk into the room. And I know it. So - I have no energy to fight it - and when I do try to bring myself out of the tail spin it's so violently radical that everyone just think im crazy and bipolar - which - ya never know - i may be. 

I meet with a shrink this week. I hope it helps. I don't know how much longer I can keep this level of negativity in my life. I dont know how to combat it. I'm very alone - and it's my fault - and I have no idea how to fix it.  

No alcohol in 10 days doesnt seemed to have helped with my thought patterns. Exercise hasn't jarred me loose either. I'm running out of ideas. Something has to change. 

Monday, September 07, 2020

Day 2

 I’ve not had a drink in 10 days. And that makes me sound like an alcoholic but as you get older you realize that alcohol can mess you up - especially when you’ve abused it for 20 plus years.

But I’m writing right now because I’m crying - in the middle of the day - alone watching a star is born - and not because it’s sad but because I’m sad. I’ve had every opportunity to feel something great - or share something great - or put myself out front and naked - but I haven’t. I hide. I’m jaded. I’m cynical - and I’m lazy. And I’m a coward towards everything in my life. 

I cant remember the last time I did anything honestly. I can’t remember being anything but miserable - and I’m miserable because I chose to be. Everyone around me just wants me to be happy but all I do is find the worst motives in their intentions - not the best. And I’m sick over it. 

Sunday, September 06, 2020

From my phone at least

 I wanted to start writing. I failed.

I wanted to be a better father. I failed.

I wanted to be a better husband. I failed miserably.

I wanted to be a better colleague. I failed.

I wanted to take care of my body. I failed.

I wanted to read more. I failed.

Over the last 6 months all I’ve done is fail pathetically. My level of anxiety and depression are reaching new lows. It’s nobodies fault but mine. I just don’t know how to fix it. I don’t know how to improve or get out of my own way. Getting old isn’t for the weak I’ll tell you that. I’m so very alone and it’s all my fault - I have absolutely 0 charisma or charm anymore - I’m barely interesting and often just a boorish slob of a human. I treat everyone with contempt and disdain and it brings nothing back to me but loneliness and hostility. 

Anyway - I wrote today. That’s a good start. Maybe I’ll write tomorrow. Maybe it’ll be different. Maybe I’ll do something great. 

Favorites List
Pandora Song List
Amazon Wish List
Revolutionary Wealth - Tofflers
Brian Jones

Things Making Me Smile
The City
Listening - [out of 5]
Benjy Ferree - 4.8
The Thermals 3.1
David Gray 3.8

Like the guy with the beard? YES - like the guy with the beers. What? Yep

Bands That I Check Schedules For
Badly Drawn Boy
Belle and Sebastian
Benjy Ferree
The Black Keys
Drive By Truckers
The Eels
Kimya Dawson
Mark Hopkins Band
Iron and Wine
Mates of State
Ted Leo
Two if By Sea

Places I Rock in the Flesh
9:30 Club
Black Cat
Electric Factory
The Knitting Factory
The Otto Bar
Recher Theatre

Places I Eat/Drink in the Flesh
Bishop's Collar
Cross Street Market
Hull Street
Joun Gak
Mick O'Shea's
No Way Jose
The Irish Pub
The Waterfront Hotel

My Greatest Hits (that's so lame)

The time I almost killed a child
July 4th in Korea
Excerpts from Demian
Why I screen phone calls
Bret's Death Metal Report
A conversation at a cocktail party
A conversation at breakfast
So you think you are a Baltimorian
A conversation about a girl singer
Observations from a bar
Observations of strippers
Tech Language
Why I love Oasis
I would go to war
"You Son of a Bitch" An Open Letter to Tom Friend
Dance to Your Ocean
Dream Ranch
When men become pussies
Jason Whitlock is a racist propaganda promoter
Pitchfork takes music snobbery to new level
The Cosmic Clash of the Red Sox and Cubs
The Hatred that is Runts Candy
Starting corporate line-up
Google Bio
Do you know me? List 1 / List 2 / List 3
The Night I Burned Philly Down
So You Want to be a Booze Hound
She Said it was Free
Funniest Corporate Story Ever
Striped Shirts and the Fucks that Wear Them
Death Peddle
Pieces of Morning
Oasis Album Revew
The Art of Tipping
Starting Fires With Grass Stains
Bret's Federal Hill Food Review
Sexcapades and your Picture on the Internet
Stupid Secrets
Stupid Secrets the Return

Contact Me

Stuff I Swing By From Time to Time

Indie Video Archive
Large Hearted Boy
Important Records
Oasis News
Pitch Fork Media
Reptilian Records
Scenestars MP3 Blogs
Sound Garden Baltimore

Shotgun Apparel
Warrior Clothing

Angry Little Girls
Atom Films
Eye Envision
Homestar Runner
Kill Frog
Junior Varsity Meat Market

Baltimore City Paper
The Baltimore Sun
Calvert Hall
Degroen's Brewers
ESL Cafe
Fantasy Sports
Korean Herald
Villa Julie College Baseball
W3 Schools

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